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And then he walked along the edge of the Circle

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Comments on Devo [reply]
I saw Devo both times they played The Apollo.  They must be the most mental band I ever saw. Fantastic.  They did things no-one ever did. What were they on and where can I get some?

They came on after showing some of their videos to warm us up, wearing their trademark yellow jump suits.  After a few songs they all stood (or jumped) at the front stage while the music continued behind.  At a preset time they tore off their jumpsuits and threw the bits into the crowd. Beneath they wore black T-shirts and shorts with 'DEVO' on their chests.
They then continued the gig dressed like that - fantastic.
Crazy guys, crazy gigs. Roll on Rugrats!!!!
I was there too Mick Had a wee bit of the suit for a while .Thay were way ahead of their time a real one-off Bought the DVD recently ."Mongoloid" was my favourite with "Gut Feeling" a close second [reply]
I was there in the stalls at their first Apollo gig on 27/11/78 and what an incredible night, just as Mick and Anthony say!  The video warm-up was a novelty for the Apollo and seemed so American and advanced at the time.  Remember the “Devo Corporate Anthem” footage, remember “Booji Boy” – golden days indeed.

The excitement was electric as the lights went down and we waited to see Devo, finally, in the flesh.  On they came in their legendary orange boiler suits strutting like superstar peacocks and the crowd went bananas.  After the first number they peeled off the suits and tossed them towards the first row, causing an almighty scramble down the front.  I imagined myself grabbing one and wearing it on the bus into class the next day drawing gasps of admiration and envy, especially with the word “DEVO” stencilled  diagonally across the shoulder.  Most people would probably have wondered, “who’s that guy in his work-wear about to fix the drains?”.

Meanwhile back on stage Bob Casale ran over to the ledge at the side and taunted the punters by miming machine gun fire into the crowd from his slim-bodied guitar, showing the famed Devo arrogance and haughty sense of disdain for the audience.

My brother was in the circle watching all this and because I’d told him I’d been able to walk downstairs into the stalls during a Stranglers concert, 4 months previously, he tried it tonight with his friend.  Sadly a bouncer in the foyer asked to see their tickets, but instead of sending them back upstairs, he threw them out into Renfield Street – a mere 4 minutes into the concert!  All that eager anticipation, preparing dance moves in front the bedroom mirror, and the excitement of seeing their favourite group, ended up with an ear to a keyhole at a side door in Renfield Lane in the rain, while the beautiful music continued inside for another 1½ hours.  Life can be such a ******.  Sorry bro.
I remember going to see them in June 1980, they were promoting their then latest album "Freedom of Choice" and they were absolutely awesome, I wore a yellow jumpsuit and was told by my old man I looked a right haddie, was my face bovvered, no chance, I had a great time and the guys even signed my album, their show last year at the Carling was even better. [reply]
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